SADF meeting endorses funds for feasibility study of power projects

September 12, 2002

The seventh South Asian Development Fund (SADF) Board meeting, which concluded Wednesday, has approved the funding of techno-economic feasibility studies of hydropower projects in Nepal.

The meeting also approved funding assistance for the study of establishing a training center for senior executives in the sugar industry to increase sugar productivity in the SAARC region.

The board meeting also decided to fund training proposals for human resource development, according to a SADF press statement. The SADF members also agreed to the idea of establishing a permanent SADF secretariat.

Representatives from all the SAARC member states, including representatives from the SAARC secretariat took part in the meeting.

The SADF is an institution that funds projects of potential projects in the region. It deals with wide-ranging issues such as funding study, training and human resource development within the South Asian region.