Three more Maoists killed

December 25, 2001

December 25, 2001

KATHMANDU: Three more Maoists were killed in three separate encounters with security forces in three districts since Monday, the Defence Ministry said.  Two Maoists were killed in a shoot-out at Gorkha and Kailali districts when they tried to break a security  cordon or fired on soldiers, an official announcement said.

A former militia was shot dead in Okhaldungha district while attempting to break a security cordon, officials said. Army recovered 17 more guns, explosives and combat dresses from insurgents in Rolpa and Dhankuta districts during searches, another announcement said.

Eight suspects were arrested overnight for questioning nation-wide, the Defence Ministry said. Rebels attacked and shot dead Bechanlal Marua in Banke overnight, party sources said. Chandral Tharu, an activist of the ruling Nepali Congress Party from a neighbouring village was also injured in the attack, officials said.

Army disposal units for the second time defused three banner bombs in neighbouring Lalitpur district Tuesday, residents said.