A high-level Chinese delegation led by He Guangwei, Minister and Chairman of China National Tourism Administration (CNTA) visited The Fulbari Resort & Spa on 27 November and returned to Kathmandu after staying there for two nights.
The delegation, which included about 20 other high Chinese Government officials, arrived at The Fulbari Resort after signing a MoU for the ‘Implementation Plan for Outbound Travel by Chinese Citizens to Nepal’ at Kathmandu earlier, and was recieved at the Hotel-gate to the accompaniment of a traditional Nepali Naumati music band, offering of flower-garlands and Tika pastes, etc. A visibly impressed Minister He Guangwei commented, “I received a warm welcome and I have been highly impressed by the hospitality here”, adding, “Tourism plays a role of bridge to safeguard the peace and promote the friendship between China & Nepal. “