Thapa pushing agitating parties’ to walls!

October 22, 2003

Kathmandu: Prime Minister Thapa means now business. He remains undeterred by the threats to his cabinet posed by the agitating parties. He is now all set to throw the country to the polls.

In doing so he wishes to hint the international community that he is willing to go by the demands of the political parties in order to bring back the constitutional and the democratic processes to its original track which got deviated on October 4, last year. This is a clear message to the political parties to cooperate his government which is preparing for the Announcement of the general elections and exhibit their respect and honor for democratic process or else face the music.

Prime Minister Thapa also hinted the other day that holding of the elections could be the one and the only solution to the demands that the political parties have been making through their almost six months long agitation.

“The political parties have become irresponsible towards the country and its people”, said an angry Thapa Monday in Birganj. This statement clearly explains Thapa’s mood is now to denounce the present mood acquired by the agitating parties towards the State and its people which concurrently means that it has become enough and enough is enough and thus he would not tolerate their irresponsible remarks any more.

By the way his rather tough statement does imply that Thapa has summarily failed in seducing the Koirala camp in its favor. Koirala’s fresh utterances of not joining the Thapa government must have annoyed Thapa and hence the rough and tough statement against the political parties, more specially against the congress from whom he had expected tangible support at time of his crisis.

That Thapa is really angry from the stance acquired by the agitating political parties comes to the fore when he expresses his outbursts in this manner: ” The agitation parties don’t wish to face the polls but would wish very much to be in power without going to the polls”.

The message is that the parties have indicated Thapa that they will apparently not be able to face the polls but then yet would wish to share power if Thapa pleasingly resigned from his current post.

The parties are hoping against hope for Thapa and his resignation never go together, it is widely believed in the country.

In saying so, Thapa also wishes to expose the leaders of the agitating parties that they have grouped themselves in a house that is at the moment in agitation solely to bounce back to power and that their agitating is not aimed at relieving the country and its people from the ailments in which the country is gripped in since several years.

But then yet, Prime Minister Thapa appeals for support from the agitating parties for his regime which he understands that he will not succeed at least in the near future. This is yet another conspiracy. Pushing his appeal for support, prime minister Thapa wishes to hint that he is a “liberal” politician and will remain so ad infinitum. However, those who know Thapa better say that Thapa’s brain thinks nothing more than conspiracy round the clock.

How his conspiratorial brain will weaken the ongoing agitation of the five parties and how he will conduct the elections will have to be watched.

Nevertheless, what is for sure is that he will not resign come what may. What is also certain is that he would now wish to steal some of the leaders from the mainstream political parties to give his government a different shape. What also could not be ruled out is that Prime Minister Thapa in order to stretch his tenure in government amidst all the existing odds would not spare his efforts to convince the King for the early announcement of the polls which is tentatively scheduled for April and October next year.

Thapa hopes that announcement of the polls will have a positive impact on the agitating parties and that they would instead of teasing his regime will gear up their political activities towards the polls.

However, it remains to be seen on how the agitating parties take the announcement of the polls. Their acceptance or boycott of the announced polls will determines the future shape of the country’s politics.