Shahi not sure of motive

June 7, 2001

Kathmandu, June 7: Shahi said he was not sure for the motive for the mass killings. “I am not sure,” he said to a question. Published reports said Dipendra was infatuated by Devyani, the daughter of an opposition political leader, as family members opposed their matrimonial ties. He does not remember the type of weapons used.

“They were assault weapons. I do not remember the kind,” he said. But he confirmed there was more than one. M-16 was one of the weapons used, he confirmed.

Shahi briefed the national and international press in front of a white board that sketched the shoot-out site. Today’s was the first detailed and authoritative account of what happened at the Royal Palace Friday night. Another anonymous royal relative confirmed Dipendra was the only 
accomplice in the shoot-out to Nepalnews Wednesday.

The news briefing was held as royal relatives and friends visited survivors at the hospital. Some people are still incredulous of the latest revelation and promote a conspiracy theory. This is the second regicide in Nepal’s royal history of more than 250 years after King Prithvinarayan Shah the Great unified Nepal. King Rana Bahadur Shah was murdered by his step-brother in 1806.