Kathmandu: With the stepping up of the violence by the insurgents of late, the government under Prime Minister Thapa appears too determined to take up the Maoists challenge.
Is Thapa planning a tit-for-tat? Perhaps yes if one were to analyze his fresh utterances being made against the Maoists insurgency.
With no sign of mushrooming Human Rights Organizations and self-proclaimed Civil Society groups initiating clandestinely even “connections” with either the government or the Maoists in the post Dashain days in order to bring the warring rivals to the negotiating table, what appears to be sure is that the two-way fight battle between the Old-regime and the New regime will continue for long leaving scores or precious lives sacrificed for a cause no body knows.
That the government is all set to take up the Maoists violence with firm hands becomes more than clear from the fresh expressions of the nation’s Prime Minister when he says that the Maoists were not only a “terrorists” but were also ” anti-nationals”.
This perhaps explains the mood of the prime minister on how to deal with the Maoists ever increasing violence in the days ahead. However, to what extent he would be able to arrest the threats of the Maoists remains yet to be watched.
The ground reality, however, is that the Maoists too have only recently hinted that they would fight the battle to the finish which means that the insurgency is fully determined to do what ever they can in order to weaken the Old regime politically, socially and security wise as well. That they were on their fierce move gets reflected from the manner they have been inflicting colossal damages on the civilians, state security personnel and the nation’s basic development infrastructures.
The days ahead are indeed dangerous.
Let’s analyse as to what makes the Prime Minister so sure that he would time permitting crush the Maoists insurgency?
Certainly two factors come to the fore for Thapa’s possible confidence. The first being that he has been explicitly been assured by the military high command that they could time permitting contain the threats of the Maoists growing violence. This is one factor which could have added to the confidence of the prime minister. Incidentally, the military sources too have been ventilating that they were competent enough to deal with the Maoists violence effectively. This is not all, the military men also been telling that their prowess has in the recent days increased and hence the heavy casualties on the other side. If this is so then the military is all determined to face the battle on their own come what may.
Secondly, Prime Minister Thapa’s confidence could have been the result of the possible fresh assurances that he might have received in the recent days from powerful countries that they they were behind him. Could be that the United States, the United Kingdom and others from the developed West have assured the Old regime that they would go to any length in order to curb the threat of the Maoists.
All said and done, a very startling revelation has come out that could surprise many a brains in the country.
If one were to believe to what Jan Manch, a vernacular weekly dated October 19 has dared to print in its latest issue then what comes to the fore is that the Maoists camp is also not bereft of differing camps from within.
The said weekly citing top level intelligence sources has said that at the moment the Maoists camp is having four distinct differing poles. The weekly goes on to reveal that there existed four different lobbies in the camp that represent India, China, Russian Federation and nationalists.
According to the weekly, Comrade Nand Kishore Pun represented the Chinese lobby; Prachanda, Dr. Bhattarai and Matrika Yadav represent Indian lobby; the Russian lobby is similarly represented by Ram Bahadur Thapa-Badal and the lobby of the supposed nationalists is being taken care by Sonam Lama and Mohan Baidya.