Himal Khabarpatrika reporter released

March 11, 2005

JB Pun Magar, the Himal Khabarpatrika investigative journalist who was
abducted by suspected Maoists on Tuesday was released unharmed on Friday morning at 9:00 a.m. in Kapilbastu.

JB Pun Magar. Photo Courtesy: Min Bajracharya/ Himal Khabarpatrika
Pun Magar called his office in Kathmandu from the town of Butwal where he is based and said he had been blindfolded and taken to a series of unidentified locations and interrogated over three days.

His abductors told him they were Maoists and even allowed him to make a phone call to his editor in Kathmandu, Rajendra Dahal on Thursday. But Pun
Magar said although he wasn’t beaten he was mentally tortured and was threatened “to be careful” while filing stories. He also said he now has doubts whether his abductors were really Maoists.

A detailed description of his ordeal is awaited.