CDPS training on democracy

March 21, 2005

Kathmandu: The Central Department of Political Science (CDPS) organized a five-day training on “Methodology for Improving Research and Teaching on Democracy” on March 19-23 in cooperation with Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES). The themes involved importance of research skills on democracy and good governance, emerging global trends, public policy and democratic process, conceptual and theoretical aspects for problem formulation, scientific research, hypothesis and research process, statistics, data collection and proposal writing, survey research, tabulation and graphs, hypothesis testing and research design, survey project and questionnaire design, writing research report, etc.

13 political science teacher teaching post-graduate course from Kathmandu and outside and political science students of Central Campus participated in the training. Eight colleges outside Kathmandu have offered post-graduate political science teaching.

The chief guest of the seminar Dr. Tri Ratna manandhar,Dean of the University appreciated FES for helping the faculties to upgrade university teaching, research and material improvements through publications. Mr. Dev Raj Dahal of FES explained the FES philosophy and explained the role of political scientists in strengthening democracy and good governance. Prof. Sushil Raj Panday, the faculty member and Dr. Panna Kaji Amatya, Chairman of Political Science, also spoke on the occasion.