Britain has given the Nepalese government more than 3 million pounds (dlrs 4.7 million) worth of military equipment, including helicopters and bomb disposal gear, AP reported from London quoting the Ministry of Defence.
“These gifts form part of a wider support package to Nepal, which includes training in areas such as peace support operations and civil-military cooperation,” said the ministry said in a memo dated Monday.
“Nepal is a long-standing friend of the U.K. and it is hoped that this support will assist the Royal Nepalese Army with whom we have close links,” it said.
The British gift includes two MI-17 support helicopters, explosive ordnance disposal gear and communications equipment, the defence memo said.
The 3.2 million pound (dlrs 5 million) tab will be paid by the Global Conflict Prevention Pool, which is run by the Ministry of Defense, the Foreign Office and the International Development Department.
Over the last several months, Britain has also given Nepal radio equipment and vehicles worth 741,000 pounds (dlrs 116,0000). This is the British military aid to Nepal to fight a bloody communist insurgency that has claimed at least 4,000 lives in more than six years.
Britain is leading a consortium of international donors to help fight its war against terrorism; they met for the first time in London last month. dr/br July 24