A senior leader of Maoists has said that the state needs to treat Terai extremists as terrorists.
“The government should not hold dialogue with parties that want to split the country. They should be termed terrorists and strong action taken against them,” said Chandra Prakash Gajurel aka Gaurav.
The strong remark by Maoist politburo member and chief of its international relations cell has come in the wake of appeal for dialogue with Terai groups made by Home Minister Krishna Prasad Sitaula.
“We are doubtful how the dialogue will be helpful in resolving the problem when many of Terai groups are openly claiming that they will now hold talks only to divide the country,” Gajurel said.
Home Minister Sitaula had appealed to ‘Madhesi Janadhikar Forum, factions of JTMM and other groups’ to come for dialogue within two weeks following which, he warned, the government would be compelled to take strong actions in order to create proper environment for Constituent Assembly elections.
Around a dozen armed groups have sprung in Terai region in last couple of months. Some of them have also demanded a separate Terai state.