A religious fanatic offers his own hand to Goddess of Death

July 31, 2007

In what could be scene straight from a horror movie or Ripley’s ‘Believe It or Not’, a man in Morang district, Eastern Nepal, cut his own right hand and threw it as an ‘offering’ to Goddess of Death Kali on Tuesday.

Rajesh Tajpuriya, 22, a resident of Bardesha V.D.C-1, Morang, performed this rare antic today morning at the Kali Temple in Rangeli, all in one smooth action, to the utter surprise of the gaping priest.

Tajpuriya, who had reached the temple as any other devotee would in the morning, asked the complacent priest to bring the Khukuri used to kill sacrificial animals and cut his own right hand without a least bit of emotion. And, after presenting it to Kali, he made his way from there in the cab he came on without saying anything.

A huge crowd of onlookers gathered there to see the unusual offering, which still lies in the temple. However, the person to whom it once belonged is undergoing treatment at the Seti Zonal Hospital, where he runs a medical shop.

When reporters asked him what drove him to do such madness, he just kept his silence and looked away.