Kathmandu: The Telegraph Weekly in close cooperation with the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, a German based Foundation, is organizing a national level seminar on “Youth, Peace and Media” next week.
Two Nepali scholars are presenting the working papers during the one-day seminar on 22nd December 2004, afternoon.
The venue of the seminar is Hotel Everest, Baneshwar.
Dr. Krishna Bahadur Bhattachan, a noted Sociologist of international standing who also is associated with the Tribhuban University, Department of Sociology and Anthropology and Mrs. Shanta Pokhrel, a freelance economist with specialization on gender issues, will be respectively presenting their views on the said topic.
Professor Doctor Guna Nidhi Sharma, a highly acclaimed senior economist of the country will be providing key-note address during the inaugural session of the seminar.
The newly accredited French Ambassador to the Nepali court, His Excellency Michel Jolivet, has been requested to make the inaugural address as the chief guest of the seminar. The French dignitary has kindly given his consent in this regard.
Likewise, Dr. Suresh C. Chalise, a Sociologist of international repute will also be ventilating his views on the occasion.
The seminar will have two sessions. Dr. Bhattachan will present his paper in the first session, which will be duly chaired by senior journalist and the chief editor of the Himalayan Times Daily, Ram Pradhan. The second session will see Mrs. Pokhrel presenting her paper which is being chaired by Mrs. Savitri Thapa-Gurung, a political scientist associated with the Tribhuban University.