TB eradication big challenge in Nepal

April 5, 2000

Kathmandu, Apr.  5: The fifth annual review of the National Tuberculosis Programme (NTP), which started on 28th March, brings eminent experts from the various national and international organisations, according to the National Tuberculosis Centre.

In this connection, a presentation of review reports and summary findings to Ministry of Health at Technical Advisory Group meeting was held at a function here this afternoon. Some of the recommendations of the review include ensuring a continuous long term supply of high quality medicines, involving other sectors such as medical institutes and industries in DOTS provision and fixing a deadline by which DOTS must be available in all districts.

Speaking on the occasion, secretary at the Ministry of Health Srikant Regmi said that even as Nepal approach the 21st century, the people were still faced with the daunting challenge of eradicating Tuberculosis. “T.B. control programme is our grass-root programme”, he said and added that HMG has given top most priority in order to wipe out the disease.

Prof. Donald Enarson, Scientific Director of International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (IUATLD) presented the review recommendation. Dr Klaus Wagner, WHO representative, Dr M. Aoki, President of Japan Anti TB Association (JATA) and B.D Chataut, Director General of DOHS also spoke on the occasion.