Baby swapping: Negligence in hospital

April 29, 2000

Butwal, Apr. 29: In a startling incident, two new-born babies have gotten swaped at a maternity ward here.

Amrita Thapa, a resident of Banganga Kapilvastu, and Vandana Chhetri of Pokharali, Nawalparasi gave birth to babies at the same time at the maternity ward of Lumbini Zonal Hospital. One of them gave birth to a girl and the other a boy.

But peons at the maternity ward got the two mixed up when the women were being transferred to another room and each ended up with the other’s baby..

Amrita Thapa, who was well aware of the fact that her new born baby was a girl vehemently rejected the baby given to her and some commotion followed.

Verification of the reports later revealed that she was right.

Following long discussions, family members of both the women agreed to correct the mistake and take their respective babies.

If there had not been a commotion over this matter, I would have returned home with someone else’s baby, Bandana Chhetri says.

Such negligence on the part of the hospital is too much, how could the matter have been settled if both the babies had been daughters or one of them was handicapped, one of Bandana’s relatives asked.