One youth was injured when an Royal Nepalese Army (RNA) soldier stationed at a security check post opened fire at him in Pokhara on Saturday.
The soldier stationed at Simpani check post, Tundikhel, the entry point of Pokhara, first beat up Khadka (Nar) Bahadur Tamang of Lawanghlel VDC 4 when the latter showed his identity card.
“Why do you show your identity card instead of your bag?,” Kantipur daily quoted the soldier as saying citing an eyewitness. “Then the soldier started to slap and kick him,” the eyewitness added.
The soldier opened fire at Tamang when he cried for help. Tamang sustained bullet injury in his thigh.
However, a press statement issued by the Directorate of Public Relations of the RNA said a soldier took the action when Tamang tried to snatch a weapon from a security personnel who was undertaking a routine check of passengers on a microbus traveling from Hemja to Pokhara.
“For the safety of other passengers, another security personnel on duty was forced to fire at the suspect during which he was injured,” the statement said.
The statement of DPR further said that investigation into the incident and the injured suspected person who tried to snatch the weapons is underway.
Tamang was taken to Gandaki Hospital for treatment and his condition is stable.
Earlier, an army man Bashudev Thapa shot dead 12 civilians before killing himself following a minor scuffle with local villagers who were singing, drinking and dancing till late in the evening after a local fair at the Kalika Devi temple at Chihandanda on December 14.