SLC results likely next week

June 3, 2004

The results of the SLC exams will be probably be announced on the second week of June, according to an official at the Office of the Controller of the Examination. He added that the results might get delayed by several days due to political unrest.

The School Leaving Certificate (SLC) is the high school graduation exam for Nepali students. About 317,000 students filled the forms to sit for the exam but around 20 percent of them had failed the district level sent-ups and so weren’t allowed to give it.

The day when the results are published is hectic for the students as the results are only published in the state-owned Gorkhapatara. To reduce burden on the paper, for the past several years, the results have been published on the official websites:, and

From this year, the students can obtain their results by simply dialing 160022.

Meanwhile, according to a television channel broadcast on Wednesday morning the SLC results have already published on the official sites. Believing this report, students assembled at Gorkhapatra Corporation demanding to see their results. Police had to resort to lathi charges to disperse them.

According to the Ministry of Education and Sports, most of the results have been uploaded to websites but cannot be accessed by the the public yet.