Six arrested with marijuana in Siraha VDC

January 12, 2003

SIRAHA, Jan. 12: A patrolling team of the security forces arrested six persons with 93 kilograms of marijuana at Musaharniya Tole of Jamdaha Village Development Committee of Siraha district Saturday.

Those arrested with the illegal drug include Aman Bahadur Rai, Tej Bahadur Magar and Gyan Bahadur Rai of Lekgaun Village Development Committee of Udayapur District, Bir Bahadur Magar and Jung Bahadur Magar of Pipara Village Development Committee of Saptari District and Raju Rai of Okhale Village Development Committee of Udayapur district, according to Police Inspector Krishna Hari Sharma.

They had hidden the cannabis in eight packs with the intention of smuggling to India, police said.
The price of the confiscated cannabis is estimated to be about 250,000 in the Indian market.