Though there are nearly 40 pharmaceuticals companies in the country, the country still largely depends on the medicines imported from foreign countries.
These companies are meeting only 30 percent demand of the local market.
Indian companies are the main suppliers of the drugs in Nepal followed by the Bangladesh and the United Kingdom.
Drug manufacturers said that they are preparing to meet the 80 percent demand of the country within ten yeas.
Talking to Nepalnews, pharmacist inspector of Department of Drug management said that Nepalese companies are also manufacturing high quality drugs.
Meanwhile, Deurali- Janata Pharmecuticals Private Limited (DJPL) has introduced Suswasthya Division, with the aim of increasing use of local drugs.
Talking to Nepalnews senior officer of DJPL, Sudip Basyal said that the main objective of the Suswasthya Division is to distribute high quality drugs of different diseases in the local market.