The Royal Nepalese Army (RNA) has said that the Maoists are continuing their acts of violence, intimidation and threats, looting and abduction against innocent civilians despite the unilateral ceasefire announced by them.
A press statement issued by Directorate of Public Relations (DPR) of RNA on Tuesday said Maoists looted local businessmen in Pandusen area of Kalikot district, on their way to sell instant noodles on December 16.
Likewise, the Maoists abducted a local teacher Krishna Prasad Pokharel of Mahendra Secondary School in Subarnakhal area in Argakhachi district and beat Kheure Doli, a local resident of Kadamandu area in Doti district on December 14, the DPR said.
Security forces seized 400 kgs of rice, 200 kgs of lentil, 300 kgs of beaten rice and large quantities of edible oil and spices from Baghmare area in Dang district from the Maoists on December 18, the statement added.
The statement further said three Maoists; deputy section commander of the Maoists Dharma Rokaya, deputy village chief of the Maoists Pubi Chaulagai alias “Punam” and section commander of the Bumramadi area Rup Bahadur Kathayat alias “Rajesh” surrendered to the local administration in Jumla district on December 18.