Maoist and Janamorcha ministers complaint against cabinet procedure

July 17, 2007

Ministers belonging to the Maoists and People’s Front (PF) have raised their complaints against the cabinet procedure.

Claiming that the cabinet was making decisions by overruling their dissenting opinions, six ministers made the complaint on Tuesday demanding immediate correction in the manner of cabinet functioning.

In their complaints, the ministers said that although eight parties should be jointly conducting the government based on mutual consent, the cabinet was functioning as if it belonged to one-party government. They also demanded proper system of registering their notes of dissent over cabinet decisions.

Minister for Information and Communication and government spokesperson Krishna Bahadur Mahara, Minister for Local Development Dev Gurung, Minister for Forest and Soil Conservation Matrika Yadav, Minister for Works and Physical Planning Hisila Yami, Minister for Women, Children and Social Welfare Khadga Bahadur Biswakarma and Minister for Health and Population Giriraj Mani Pokharel made the complaints.

They also claimed that their parties were not taken into confidence while finalising the annual budget.

Earlier too, the Maoist ministers had expressed grudges over the cabinet procedure. They had vehemently opposed the cabinet decision to promote senior Nepal Army officials some time back.

In yesterday’s cabinet meeting, Health minister Pokharel had tabled ‘note of dissent’ opposing the decision to promote an army general.