Japanese envoy releases book

January 7, 2003

KATHMANDU, Jan. 7: Japanese Ambassador to Nepal Zenji Kaminaga released a book entitled “The Heart of Asia” published by the United Nations, Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) amidst a function held here today.

The book, translated into Nepali language at the initiative of the National Federation of UNESCO associations in Japan, has the useful collection for children including the relations between human being and nature, unity among the people and the importance of peace.

On the occasion Ambassador Kaminaga said the book would be very fruitful to understand on peaceful co-existence and the conservation of the beautiful natural resources of Asian continent.
The book written by a Japanese writer has to various primary schools and educational institutions throughout the country.

A host of speakers including president of the Federation of the Nepalese Journalists Tara Nath Dahal, Yuko Shibuya, Reiko Miyabe and Anu Dangol also spoke about the importance of the book.