Japanese assistance over Rs 691 million for water supply facilities

December 7, 2005

KATHMANDU:   The government of Japan has pledged assistance worth Japanese Yen 1,124,000,000 (approximately Rs. 691,260,000) to Nepal for the ‘Improvement of Water Supply Facilities in Urban and Semi-urban Centers’.

Japanese Ambassador to Nepal Tsutomu Hiraoka and Secretary at the Ministry of Finance, Bhanu Prasad Acharya, signed and exchanged a set of Notes on behalf of their respective governments in this regard, Wednesday.

A press statement issued by the Japanese Embassy in Kathmandu said the Grant will be used to procure the products and services necessary for the improvement of water supply facilities in Dhulabari and Gauradaha in Jhapa District, and Mangadh in Morang District.

“Under this Project, the intake facility, water treatment plant, water purification facilities and the distribution network will be constructed to ensure the high service level of drinking water targeting for approximately 77,000 people in 2014,” the statement said.

“It is believed that this Project will not only ensure safe and reliable drinking water services in the target areas, but will also help reduce illness from water borne diseases. In addition, this Project will also help increase social opportunities for women and children, such as the participation of women in income generation activities. Children’s enrollment and attendance in schools will also increase because of the time saved in fetching water,” the statement added.

These facilities will be operated and maintained with local people’s participation in close collaboration with government authorities.

Speaking on the occasion, Japanese Ambassador to Nepal Hiraoka, expressed his sincere hope that this Project will prove yet another milestone in strengthening the existing friendly relationship between Japan and the Kingdom of Nepal.