Janamorcha Nepal to join govt; Pari Thapa selected as parliamentary leader

May 11, 2006

Janamorcha Nepal (People’s Front) has selected vice-chairman Pari Thapa as its leader in the parliament.

PFN leaders told reporters after a meeting of the central committee that the party named Thapa as the parliamentary leader and has formally decided to join in the present government.

“We are participating in the government to fulfill the mandate of the people’s movement. We are ready to take up any responsibility,” said party chairman Amik Sherchan, adding, “We are not going haggle for seats.”

The party publicized its 15-point policy decision regarding its participation in the parliament.

According to Janamorcha general secretary Naba Raj Subedi, the 15-point decision includes, among other things, the demand to bring the Royal Nepalese Army under the purview of the parliament, action against the perpetrators of the people’s movement and disclosure of the status of involuntarily disappeared persons be disclosed.

Janamorcha Nepal, which has six MPs in the reconvened House of Representatives, is one of the partners in the seven-party alliance. The party had been facing internal dispute with few leaders opposing the idea of joining the government.

Janamorcha Nepal was formed after the merger between the Sanyukta Janamorcha Nepal and Rastriya Janamorhca Nepal recently.