Govt-Chure talks put off till Friday

July 26, 2007

The talks between the government and the Chure Bhawar Ekata Samaj will take place on Friday.

Earlier, the talks between the two sides were scheduled to take place on Thursday. However, in view of busy schedule of chief government negotiator and Minister for Peace and Reconstruction Ram Chandra Poudel, the talk has been rescheduled for Friday.

Keshab Mainali, the chief of the Samaj, claimed that the government has assured to fulfill their preconditions on Thursday ahead of Friday talks.

The Samaj’s preconditions include withdrawal of murder charge against its nine activists and declaration of their slain cadre as martyr.

The Chure Bhawar Ekata Samaj has been demanding security and protection of rights of people of hilly origin living in Madhes region. They have also demanded autonomous status for Chure Bhawar region.