Ginger price down, hits Palpa farmers

January 6, 2003

PALPA: Farmers in Palpa who have been cultivating ginger on a commercial basis have become concerned at the plummeting on the market price or ginger by about 50 per cent compared to last year.

Since the past few years farmers in the remote areas of the district have been cultivating ginger, the main cash crop here even on land usually meant for food crops they have been helped by the Rural Economic Development Association.

With the association making available the necessary technology and training and running depots in various places to access the market, farmers in this district, known as one of the better places for ginger cultivation, had been drawn away from foodgrain cultivation to ginger, but the drop the prices has now made them reconsider.

The price drop has been occasioned by the failure of the Indian government to set up a quarantine check post at Sunauli, the main border exist and entry point in the region.The ginger along with other agro-products have had to be taken to Nepalgunj before being exported to India, and hence the decline in price.

Ginger had been attractive because it requires relatively less the investment and effort.