‘Ganeshman was a decicated leader’

April 8, 2000

Biratnagar, Apr. 8 :Central president of Ganseh Man Singh Foundation and MP Prakash Man Singh has said that the programme “history speaks” has been launched with the objective of bring out senior citizens who have struggled in the democratic movement and now are lost in the maze of the national politics.

MP Singh, speaking at the “history speaks” programme organised by the Morang branch of Ganesh Man Singh Foundation here the other day on the occasion of the martyrs day, said today would remind us the noble objectives for which the movement was launched.

Central member of the Nepali Congress (NC) and head of the NC Women’s Department Mrs.  Nona Koirala said that late B. P. Koirala and Ganesh Man Singh were complementary to each other for the establishment of democracy in the annals of nepaese history.

Mrs Nona Koirala, narrating the story which she underwent for the sake of democracy since the very inception of democracy, said Ganesh Man Singh was a firm and courageous leader and never got tired of the fight for democracy.

Former speaker and vice-president of Ganesh Man Singh Foundation Daman Nath Dhungana pointed out the that Ganesh Man Singh was totally dedicated to democracy and nationalism and had risen above party politics and cautioned against democracy.

Stating that the performance of the last ten years should be evaluated to find out whether it was in line with the spirit ad commitment of the people’s movement and action taken against corrupts of all levels, he said that parliament is the place where national issues are resolved in a democracy.

It was informed at the programme that just as B. P.’s name was linked to health to commemorate him, action plan would be launched linking   Ganesh Man Singh’s name with agriculture.

Earlier, floral tributes were paid to the late Singh.

President of Morang district branch of Ganseh Man Singh Foundation Torendra Man Singh presided over the programme.

In Itahari, the Ganeshman Singh Foundation Sunsari organized a colloquium on “dreams of Ganeshman and the present political scenario” in dharan recently.

Former speaker Damannath Dhungana said people are growing disenchanted with democracy since no political parties and their leaders have appeared democratic in their conduct.

Foundation central president and former minister Prakash Man Singh noted that the late Singh was an institution in terms of the hard struggle for democracy and had significantly contributed to bring democratic restoration in the country.

President of the Foundation Sunsari Mohan Pradhan chaired the function.