Freed Kamaiyas end their agitation

July 26, 2007

Following agreement by the government to rehabilitate freed Kamaiyas in specific time, the latter have decided to end their agitation.

According to the agreement reached between the government and the freed Kamaiyas, they will be rehabilitated within mid-January next year in Dang; by mid-April in Banke and Kanchanpur; and by mid-July in Bardiya and Kailali districts.

The agreement adds that as far as possible, freed Kamaiyas will be provided the land they are currently using.

The nine-point agreement also promises 35 cubic feet of wood, Rs 10,000 cash and 5 kattha of land for every family.

The agreement was signed after weeklong agitation by freed Kamaiyas in Kathmandu. sd Jul 26 07

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