For Natwar no difference

June 2, 2004

“F.M.SIngh:For WATER and POWER”

Kathmandu: At time of writing the refusal of the five party agitators to acknowledge the King’s call for a Prime Ministerial candidate by Monday evening leaves things at where they stood. But there are changes.

The Girija Congress walked out the five party meeting insisting that they not responded to the Palace while the UML till late Monday was unable to convince the remaining three to respond meaning that the UML was willing to respond.

By Tuesday, the Deuba party, which did not respond to the King’s call insisting on its natural claim for Prime Minister is said to have met the King.

In this sense since both Deuba and Madhav Kumar Nepal were not in the list of respondents, their candidacy would seems remote which the possibility of their party’s representation in a new government seems brighter.

The key question of the new occupants of Singh Durbar’s key chair will perhaps now have to be limited to the list narrowed down formally at the Palace gates by Monday evening if the exercise is to have a meaning.

One aspirant Tara Nath Ranabhat denied his claim in disagreement with a party-Salim Miya Ansari’s that put up his name for the spot.

Even K.N Bista is said to have been unaware of sectors that petitioned him as a candidate.

Outside of the attempt to make the Royal exercise a joke by crowding the Palace gate with non-entity applicants, there are serious parties from the RPP, the NSP the Samata Party and even Rajeshwor Devkota’s coalition who have representation in Parliament.

This leaves the ball again at the Palace gate. We will have, until election takes place a government responsible to the King that will be opposed by the Nepali Congress. As of the rest one must wait and see just as at time of writing one must await the person that will occupy Prime Minister’s chair.

Yet another development of significance to these current developments is the visit here of the new Indian Foreign Minister Natwar Singh whose visit outside his country as Indian Foreign Minister has been significantly enough, determined for Nepal even prior to the announcement of a new government. For the Indians at least, it seems, this is not to make a difference.