FNJ announces two-month long protest program for press freedom

December 2, 2005

KATHMANDU: The Federation of Nepalese Journalists (FNJ) announced a two month long protest program for restoration of full-fledged press freedom in the country.

The two day central committee meeting of the FNJ has decided to mark February 1 as a black day against press freedom, with a nation-wide protest programme to protest the curbs against press freedom, civil rights and the democratic system.

FNJ will hold a sit-in at the District Administration Office (DAO) on December 9 against biased classification and will hold protest programmes in conjunction with human rights organisations and members of the civil sector on December 10.

A press statement issued after the meeting said that said FNJ will also present memoranda to the Department of Information, district information centres and DAOs against the government’s one-door advertisement policy and its decision to discontinue payments to newspapers.

On December 30, protest rallies and mass meetings will be held nationwide, with focus on press freedom. On January 6, journalists will hold sit in and present memoranda against the tenfold hike in postage charge of newspapers.

FNJ has also meet decided to organise protest meets if attacks occur; to participate, promote and coordinate protest actions by other professional and civil societies. It also decided to continue its demands for right to livelihood, professional security and benefits of professional journalists.

The meeting also nominated Durga Karki, Binod Pahadi, Mohammed Harun and Aangchiring Sherpa as central committee members.

The statement also adds that the meeting also made policy decisions and formed a disciplinary committee to initiate action against journalists who are working against the profession of journalism and statue of the federation.

The meeting also welcomed the decision of the Supreme Court to allow FM stations to broadcast news.