Donors positive toward Nepal’s agenda: Acharya

April 18, 2000

Kathmandu, Apr. 18:Finance Minister Mahesh Acharya has said that Nepal’s agenda for institutional improvement in the country’s state machinary and economic policy reforms have been taken very positively by the representatives of the donor countries and agencies.

Minister Acharya said promotion of understanding and cooperation among the government, civil society and the private sector is crucial to attracting more foreign assistance.

The Nepal Development Forum is meeting in Paris at present. The meeting, usually held every two years between the donors of Nepal and His Majesty’s Government, has been held at an interval of four years this time.

Political instability in Nepal was the major factor behind the delay in holding the meeting.

The agendas being discussed at this forum are a little bit different from the ones discussed in the previous meetings, Minister Acharya said replying a question.

This time, Nepal’s focus will be on winning the donors’ trust in the policies adopted by the country and its priority areas, he added.

The donor countries and agencies are concerned about Nepal’s development and the progress and prosperity of the Nepalese, he observed.

They have taken very positively Nepal’s commitment to improve its economic policy, control corruption and ensure law and order, and good governance and are of the view that these commitments should be fulfilled soon so that the people can experience some relief, the Finance Minister said.

The donors wish to see increased private sector investment in Nepal’s telecommunications and water resources sectors.

He also said that the donors have appreciated Nepal’s commitment to encourage private sector involvement in development and reform financial strategy.

This forum meeting should not be meant for demanding more foreign money, rather it should be utilized for effective mobilization of international resources through judicious utilization of available money and other resources, Minister Acharya said, replying to a question.

Discussions at the Forum have centered a round major development challenges facing Nepal, strategy to be adopted to face the challenges and basic aspects of development, he said.

He also expressed confidence that the Paris meeting would be instrumental in boosting Nepal’s development activities and poverty alleviation through the attainment of basic objectives of development.