Kathmandu: Better late than never, comrade Madhav Nepal has told the secret.
The secret is related to the seven-point agreement that had been exclusively reached in between various communist parties with the Maoists at Siliguri, India some three months back.
The leader of the main opposition now openly says that the relations in between the UML and the CPN(Maoists) have taken a worst turn of late only because of the latter’s exceeding the limits of the Siliguri agreements.
According to Nepal, so many positive things were accepted at Siliguri including the one which had it that henceforth the Maoists will not disturb the UML cadres in the districts. “But the fact is that the Maoists have in the recent days terrorized the UML workers in the districts and thus have unilaterally broken the agreement”, said Nepal the other day in the capital.
“‘The acts in the ground and the oration of the Maoists leaders’ differ sharply”, added Madhav Nepal.
Whether feeling guilty for having exceeded the limits of the Siliguri agreements, or with a genuine wish to bag greater sympathies and respect from similar communists faction in the abruptly changed political scenario, Comrade Prachanda in the recent days has been holding talks in series with some of his old “communists friends” over telephone.
In the process, comrade Madhav Nepal and comrade Bam Dev Gautam have already accepted that they had telephonic conversation with comrade Prachanda.
Madhav Nepal said that during his talks with Prachanda he bluntly told him that how he could expect “friendly” behavior from the UML given the ground reality that the UML cadres were being maltreated by Prachanda’s men.
Monsieur Gautam too is supposed to have told Prachanda that the latter’s men had exceeded the limits of the cease-fire arrangement with the government and the one in between the Maoists and the rest of the communists forces in Siliguri.
Reports have it that comrade Prachanda has assured comrade Nepal and Gautam that a committee would be constituted soon to look into those allegations and that nothing of that sort would be repeated in the future.
Who were the rest of the personalities with whom comrade Prachanda talked over telephone apart from these two communists’ leaders is yet to be verified.
Nevertheless, Prachanda’s talking to two senior communist leaders prior to the third round of talks and also after dropping the theory of “republic” is full of meaning indeed.
However, newspapers close to the Maoists Ideology conclude that the government has already been in the grips of those who wish the talks to fail. Who the personalities were, however, the newspapers do not divulge.
Be that as it may, it remains yet to be seen as to how Prachanda tames his cadres and brings to a total halt to the sporadic sad events that were still happening in the districts. Words and deeds must not differ comrade Prachanda!