AusAID grant to UNICEF in South Asia

June 7, 2004

The Australian Government’s Agency for International Development (AusAID) has given a grant of US$ 346,099 under its South Asia regional humanitarian activities program to the UNICEF Regional Office.

The UNICEF press release Monday stated the money will be used for emergency preparedness and planning for communities overwhelmed by crisis.

The Deputy Regional Director for UNICEF, Esther Guluma, welcomed the donation saying, ‘Although disasters and emergencies can not always be foreseen, the consequences of these events and some of the follow up activities can be planned for and predicted.’

The UNICEF Regional Office in Kathmandu serves 8 countries in South Asia and houses an office dealing with Emergency Planning. Besides training aid professionals in emergency crisis and humanitarian aid, the money will be also be used against a proposal that calls for research into war affected children and the best means to handle their needs.

The Australian Ambassador, His Excellency Keith Gardner, signed the agreement today.