The 15th central committee meeting of the CPN (UML) concluded Monday evening, passing the political paper presented by general secretary Madhav Kumar Nepal.
The marathon meeting that began on June 24 unanimously passed the general secretary’s political paper, which stresses on massive mobilisation of party workers for constituent assembly polls, with minor changes.
According to UML central leader Pradeep Gyawali, the meeting has decided to consolidate the eight-party unity and, at the same time, maintain closer ties with all left parties.
The meeting formed seperate committees to prepare party’s election manifesto and mobilise party workers for the November polls.
Some central leaders including Bam Dev Gautam and Jhal Nath Khanal had criticised Nepal’s paper for describing the CPN-Maoist as “extreme left”.
The meeting also turned down the demand of ‘Gautam-Khanal combine’ for the 8th general convention to elect a new leadership before the CA polls.
The central committee was divided over a proposal on barring future general secretaries from holding their post more than two terms. Gyawali said there was no decision on the issue.
Sixty central committee members had participated in the meeting.