Youth leaders demand clear policy on restructuring of state

May 15, 2006

Youth leaders of the Nepali Congress (NC) urged their leadership to come up with a clear policy on restructuring the state and the issues to be raised during election to Constituent Assembly.

“The NC should, at the earliest, present its appropriate framework about restructuring the state before the nation for adequate discussion and debate,” said a press statement issued by NC youth leaders on Sunday.

The youth leaders of NC including Chandra Bhandari, Guru Ghimire and Dipak Giri also appealed the party leadership to initiate efforts for the reunification of NC and NC (Democratic).

They also stressed the need of launching a national campaign to protect and institutionalize the achievements of the people’s movement.

The youths have demanded the government to immediately initiate peace talks with Maoists after forming a dialogue team and formulating the code of conduct, change “His Majesty’s Government” to “Nepal Government,” rehabilitate the conflict victims, bring out the resolution and plan of national reconstruction and give completion to the present Council of Ministers.

They also asked the Maoists not to interpret the reinstatement of the House of Representatives as a “betrayal to the movement” and give up the demand of dissolution of the parliament until election to Constituent Assembly was held.

Maoists have been asking dissolution of the parliament and the present constitution before the election of the constituent assembly.

The NC youth leaders appealed to the Maoists to conduct their activities without displaying arms and release those still under their control.

The leaders also asked the seven-party alliance to move ahead united and not waste their time and energy on petty interests.

The leaders also added that all the alliance partners should not behave as if they were opposition in the parliament and government.