Yet another ‘Dinner Summit’likely to end congress conflict!

November 8, 2000

Kathmandu: Common Nepali citizens ask as to what would have been the shape of Nepal’s “nascent” democracy in effect had there been the total absence of Nepali Congress and its never ending power rivalries?

Unimaginable indeed!

Thanks the presence of this party in the national scene which has remained in the saddle of power for almost the whole of the last decade and been entertaining mercilessly the national population through its intermittent clashes and conflicts leaving the people and its own activists guessing as why And for what these two top hats of the party create such ugly scenes at regular intervals.

Perhaps the clash is related to either be in power for ever or for a peaceful hand over of the power to younger generation which perhaps is in abundance in the said party.

As usual, the Nepali congress is in a total mess due to the much-publicized issue of the active leadership.

In essence, the Koirala lobby is apparently in a mood to delete for good the already deleted names of those active members of the party who might cast votes against the former at time of the election for the personalities who would count during the final voting for the presidency scheduled for January next year in Pokhara.

In retaliation, the Koirala opposition, at the moment led by Bhattarai and Deuba both, are hell bent on thwarting the ulterior motives of the Koirala faction who appear adamantly reluctant in “inserting” the names of those who feel that their names have been deliberately omitted to influence the votes in Koirala’s favor.

In the process, Deuba and his band created scenes at the party head quarters Monday in their bid to signal their anger towards the scheme of the Koirala lobby and served ultimatum to the latter to correct voting list with the genuine names that were “missing” or else face consequences of Himalayan dimensions.

A few days back, smacking foul in the designs of the Koirala faction, the old-bachelor threw a letter bomb in which he suggested Koirala to act in an impartial manner so that the presidency elections held in January comes out free and fair.

In fact, Bhattarai prefers Deuba this round in the January elections and wishes to see his “protégé” coming out with flying colors.

In other words Bhattarai’s internal desire is to see the presidency going out of the clutches of Koirala family.

Some skeptics predict that if this round Koirala and his clique do not heed to Bhattarai-Deuba combine demands, the party might see a vertical split.

However, Koirala loyalists remain determined to face the challenge from the rival quarter come what may.

To recall, President Koirala has already hinted in his home town that he would once again go in for another round of Congress presidency which means that with the given resources and post at hand at the moment, his chances to grab the party Presidentship appear almost confirm.

On the other hand rumors have it that Koirala opposition might also think on the lines of moving a no confidence motion against their own Prime Minister should the need arise.

Perhaps this move, if it takes a shape, will pave the way for a split in the party.

All said and done, the present crisis in the party might take a happy turn if the two top hats meet at another “’dinner summit” leaving the activists to guess who be-fooled whom?

Such practices are not unusual in the congress, recall responsible citizens.

Telegraph adds : At a hurriedly summoned press conference Tuesday afternoon, Premier Koirala declared his candidacy for the next congress presidency. However, his opposition is yet to react to this sudden development.