Kathmandu: Students are up against the monarchy and have become more vocal than ever before.
Whether Thapa’s government should have come heavily down against the agitating students or should have hush-hushed the matter could be a matter of discussion among the experts on legal matters and academicians. However, what is important to note as to whether the timing of such an action against the student was opportune or not?
It was certainly not an opportune moment, opine analysts.
“The Thapa government has, rightly or wrongly, irritated the students and will have to pay heavy prices”, say intellectuals adding that it would have been wise on the part of the government had it allowed the students to make loud speeches which ultimately would have faded automatically.
The intelligentsia hasten to add that the political leaders when they themselves failed to garner support for their agitation from the laymen apparently provoked the students to take up the lead.
This is a wrong method acquired by the political parties but then since it has already begun, the government of Thapa has invited troubles for itself, say neutral observers.
Political watchers express their anger over the lenient stance acquired by Thapa set up towards the political leaders now in agitation who have been criticizing the monarch in no good words than are now being uttered by the students.
In effect, the Thapa regime should have taken to task the main actors behind the scene, say observers.
Be that as it may, the situation in Kathmandu and elsewhere in the country on Tuesday remained overly tense. The worst happened when supposedly the army came to the streets to quell the students’ demonstrations.
If Tuesday’s two way clash were any indication then what could be fairly said that the situation in the country will slide further with the possibility of greater ramifications.
A meet of the agitating parties Tuesday has denounced the army coming down to the streets in order to contain the threat posed to the security of the country. They have also vowed that they will back the student agitation to the hilt come what may.
Wouldn’t be it wise that the establishment in Kathmandu freed the students now in custody facing Sui Regice charges? It’s up to the government to decide.
Meanwhile, NC President has formed a sort of Militant Commando from among the active members of his party so that the commando come to the rescue of the leader under the attack of the establishment.
This means that Koirala will not settle for less than forcing the King to yield for in his eyes it is the King who has to correct the constitutional aberrations which came into existence after His October 4 moves.
Madhav Nepal appears slightly having rather polite towards the monarchy. Outwardly though he is talking the same as is being pronounced by Koirala. However, the fact is that Madhav Nepal made it clear that his party affiliated students have been told not to raise voices against constitutional monarchy. On the contrary, Koirala’s instruction to the students’ appear different.
Here lies the significance of the two different instructions issued by two different leaders to their two differenmt student wings.
The gist is that, as rumors have it, Madhav Nepal is already in his National Dress to see the King. Rumors also have it that after Mr. Nepal, it would be Koirala who would be granted audience.
Analysts in Kathmandu wonder as to what Koirala and Madhav Nepal will have to say the King at time of the much sought audience? Plead for correcting the constitutional aberrations? Or a plea to the King that they be made prime ministers?
But how they will save their faces if they are made the country’s prime minister through the use of the same controversial article 127? Is it that if they were the prime ministers, the “untouchable” article 127 will become just the otherwise?
Even if Thapa is told to resign or is even sacked by the King, the King will have to use the same article 127 to elevate either Mr. Nepal or Koirala’s ranks to the post of the prime minister.
Should this also mean that the moment they are the prime minister, the student will begin praising the monarchy ?
So many questions will have to be answered by Mr. Nepal and Mr. Koirala if the King elevates them to the rank for which they were almost dying.
Be that as it may, the King too should understand the gravity of the ever deteriorating political situation and act accordingly. What is the harm in granting audience to Koirala or Mr. Nepal if that audience brings positive changes?