We are for rule of law, human rights: Sharma

May 24, 2006

The Maoist leadership has expressed commitment towards rule of law, multiparty competitive politics, respect for human rights and freedom of the press while going to election to constituent assembly.

The Himalayan Times daily quoted central leader of Maoist and one of the members of the Maoist talk team Dinanath Sharma as saying, “No one should doubt our commitment to multiparty competitive politics, freedom of the press, respect for human rights and rule of law.”

The Maoist assurance came at a time when various political parties and representatives of civil society were demanding the rebels’ commitment to this effect before going to election for constituent assembly.

On the possibility of the monarchy continuing in a ceremonial garb after the constituent assembly election, he said, “We will have to be convinced why we should retain it even in a highly ceremonial form …. people will not accept the institution any longer.”

Sharma expressed dissatisfaction over the historic proclamation of parliament, saying, “It was brought about without consulting us… the alliance is trying to block the path to election to constituent assembly.”

He, however, said that it had some positive points, as it clipped the wings of the monarch.

The paper further quoted the rebel leader as saying that the rebels are in favour of a “self-reliant and independent economy.”

He claimed the reports of Maoists collecting money are being sensationalised.