Vijaya Dashami today, Tika begins from 13:25 p.m.

October 12, 2005

Vijaya Dashami, the main day of Bada Dashain, is being celebrated across Nepal as well as amongst Nepalis living abroad Wednesday.

The hour of 13:25 is propitious for Tika blessings on the occasion of Vijaya Dashami, according to Panchanga Nirnayak Samiti.

On this day, people visit their relatives and seniors to receive Tika and blessings. Merrymaking is also an essential part of the day.

In the afternoon, ordinary people, politicians and bureaucrats queue up at the Narayanhiti Royal Palace to receive Tika from the His Majesty King and Her Majesty Queen.

Meanwhile, the Maha Nawami, the ninth day of Bada Dashain, which fell on the 10th day this year was observed amidst worships and sacrifices of animals at Kots, Dashain Ghars and various goddess temples across the country in the morning.