US and EU delegations to visit Nepal

November 10, 2006

In the wake of agreement between the Seven Party Alliance (SPA) government and the Maoists, two important delegations are set to visit Nepal next week, according to Nepal Samacharpatra daily.

With the objective of studying the peace process in the country, US Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asian Affairs Richard Boucher will be arriving in Kathmandu on November 15. The same day an European Union (EU) troika mission will also arrive in the capital.

The US and EU delegations would meet with Prime Minister Girija Prasad Koirala, senior government officials and political leaders.

After the change in April, the western countries, particularly the US, have sent a number of officials, political leaders and ministers to visit Nepal. Boucher had also visited Nepal days after the April change. In fact, Boucher was the first senior foreign dignitary to visit Nepal after the political upheaval in April.

Three months later, a top senator, Arlene Specter, chairman of the powerful Senate Judiciary Committee (which looks after issues including terrorism), came visiting followed by a bi-partisan congressional delegation in late August led by Republican Jim Kolbe. All of them had stressed the need for the Maoists to abandon the path of violence first.

Therefore, Boucher’s forthcoming visit could be significant as the government and the Maoists have reached an agreement on arms management and the Maoists are planning to join interim government by December 1.

Meanwhile, the (EU) Troika will visit Nepal from 15 to 17 November 2006. The EU has welcomed the significant progress in the peace process in Nepal.

A press statement by the Embassy of Finland, Kathmandu, said tThe visit of the Troika will coincide with signature by the Government of Nepal and the CPN-M (Maoist) of the comprehensive peace accord. This signing of the accord between the parties is due to take place on 16th of November. The Troika will reconfirm the EU’s willingness to support the peace process and will discuss the next steps in the process.

The Troika will be led by Mr Pekka Metso, Director for Asia in the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland, representing the Presidency of the EU. The European Commission will be represented by Mr James Moran, Head of Unit for South Asia. The incoming German Presidency of the EU will be represented by Mr Thomas Wriessnig, Head of Division South Asia, The High Representative for Common Foreign and Security Policy, Mr Javier Solana, will be represented by Mr Michael Swann, South Asia Desk Officer from the General Secretariat of the Council of the EU, the statement further said.