UNDP aid to SCDP scheme

January 13, 2000

Kathmandu, Jan. 13: United Nations Development Programme (undp) has agreed to provide a technical assistance of U.S. $ 1.2 million (approximately Rs 82.08 million) for the implementation of Sustainable Community Development Programme (scdp) phase II.

The first phase of scdp launched in 45 village development committees (VDCs) of Dang, Surkhet and Kailali districts is considered as one of the successful community development programmes supported by undp.

The first phase scdp supported sustainable poverty alleviation and environmental management through community mobilisation. It helped to build capacities to integrete gender sensitive socio-economic development and environment management at the community level in 650 Community Based Organisations (cbos).

The second phase of scdp will be expanded to Humla, Myagdi and Okhaldhunga districts. It will build on the experience gained during the first phase by expanding the programme to the more national scope and developing national capacities for adopting the scdp approach.

The scdp will coordinate closely with the activities of the concerned local bodies helping them better understand their potential roles in supporting and contributing to sustainable community development.

The National Planning Commission (npc) will be the implementing agency of the two year programme begining from January, 2000.

The project document to this effect was signed by Mr Madhav Prasad Ghimire, joint secretary at the Ministry of Finance and Ms. Laxmi Maskey, joint secretary at the npc and national project director of scdp on behalf of His Majesty’s Government while Mr Henning Karcher, undp resident representative signed on behalf of undp.

His Majesty’s Government has expressed its appreciation and gratitude to undp for its continued support and assistance towards meeting the poverty alleviation target of the government particularly through support to social sector programmes of Nepal.