Kathmandu: The UN Special Session on Children has been formally rescheduled by the UN General Assembly for 8-10 May 2002 in New York.
The Special Session, originally planned for 19-21 September 2001, was postponed following the tragic events of 11 September. A Children’s Forum will take place on 6-7 May before the Special Session.
The Special Session on Children will be a landmark meeting of the UN General Assembly dedicated to the children and young people of the world. It will bring together government leaders and Heads of the States, NGOs, children’s advocates and young people themselves to measure the progress made for children since the historic World Summit for Children in 1990, and explore ways to change the world with children.
The gathering will present a great opportunity to change the way the world views and treats children as well as renew commitments for future action for children. More than 80 heads of states and governments are expected to congregate to deliberate on children’s welfare and rights. They will endorse the outcome document resulting from the Special Session, “A World Fit for Children. Based on the outcome document, countries will prepare national plans of actions for the next decade.
Coinciding with the preparation for the Special Session, the Global Movement for Children is being carried out in Nepal as in the rest of the world. It is an ongoing crusade for the restoration of dignity, security, and self-fulfillment of children. The Save the Children Alliance (UK, Norway, US and Japan), Unicef and Plan International have been playing key roles in spearheading this campaign together with the Government, NGOs, child clubs, media, private sector and communities.
Say Yes for Children referendum, National Children’s Fair, South Asia Change Makers’ Workshop and various other programmes were organized in Nepal to support the movement.