The United Kingdom (UK) and Denmark have welcomed the agreements reached between the ruling seven party alliance (SPA) and Maoists.
A press statement issued by the Embassy of UK quoted Foreign and Commonwealth Office Minister, Kim Howells as saying, “The UK congratulates the Government of Nepal and Maoists on their 8 November agreement,” adding, “This agreement is a significant step towards peace in Nepal. We see it as a demonstration of both sides’ commitment to building a stable and peaceful future.”
The UK also urged the Government of Nepal and the Maoists to respect and uphold the rule of law, without which any peace agreement will be inherently fragile.
Likewise, issuing a press statement, Danish Minister for Development Cooperation, Ulla Tørnæs said, the peace agreement between the Government of Nepal and the Maoists is a decisive and important step towards lasting peace in Nepal.
Denmark has been actively supporting the peace process in Nepal and will continue to be so, the statement added.
“It is important that the peace process is fully supported by the international community but is led by the Nepalese. Ownership by the people of Nepal is crucial to secure that peace takes root and lasts,” the statement further said.
Reminding of her visit to Nepal in September 2006, Tørnæs said, “It is my hope that the peace accord will lead to lasting peace and stability, which have been the endeavors of the Nepalese people for many years.”
The US, India and the United Nations had already welcomed the agreement between the ruling SPA and Maoists.