Two RNA men die in accidental blast; two Maoists killed in security action

April 18, 2006

Two Royal Nepalese Army (RNA) soldiers have died in an accidental explosion inside the security base camp in Taulihawa, Kapilvastu district.

A statement issued by the Ministry of Defence (MoD) said the two RNA jawans died when the explosives kept inside the security base went off all of a sudden on Sunday.

Meanwhile, two Maoists were killed in an encounter with the security forces in the Latikoili area in Surkhet district on Tuesday.

Maoist company commissar Birendra Thapa alias Sandarbha and platoon commander Wakil Shahi alias Chirag were shot dead on the spot during a search operation in the area this afternoon, according to MoD.

Two pistols and two magazines, 11 detonators, two grenades, socket bombs, bullets and Maoist documents were recovered from the incident site, MoD stated. mk Apr 18 06