Maoist affiliated All Nepal Hotel and Restaurant Workers Union (ANHRWU) has forced two Indian nationals working at two casinos in the capital to resign from their jobs.
A press statement issued by the Nepal Recreation Centre that runs the two casinos said that Kishor Sagar, food & beverage controller at Casino Everest, and Rajesh Katariya, operations manager at Casino Royale, have been threatened with their lives if they did not immediately resign from service.
“Under high risk to their life and safety, the two have been forced to resign from their services.”
According to reports, of the two, Rajesh has already left Nepal, while Kishor is leaving on Tuesday.
The Maoist affiliated ANHRWU has put forth a 14-point demand to the managements of Casino Everest and Casino Royale, in which clause 10 states non-Nepali citizens, other than technical ones, working in the casino must be removed and their posts be replaced by Nepalis.