Transporters call off strike as govt agrees to normalise fuel supply

February 2, 2008

The transporters called off their strike Saturday evening after the government agreed to normalise the supply of petroleum products.

The Federation of Transport Entrepreneurs of Nepal and the government reached an agreement, according to which the government will normalise the fuel supply by February 6 and the transporters will halt their strike until then.

The agreement was reached in the second round of talks between an 11-member team of the Federation and the representatives of the Ministry of Labour and Transport Management, Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Supplies and Nepal Oil Corporation (NOC).

According to NOC managing director Digambar Jha, supply of diesel and other petroleum products will be normal by Wednesday.

Public transportation has been greatly affected in the capital Kathmandu due to unavailability of diesel and petrol.

The transporters had warned of indefinite strike in the Kathmandy Valley beginning Sunday if the fuel shortage continued. mk Feb 02 08