By Sishir Rai
Sisir RaiTihar is a festival of merry making and fun. It is also a festival for brothers and sisters. Brothers and sisters worship each other and offer Tika on the occasion with the popular belief that doing so fame and life of the brothers. Tihar is the most popular festival in Nepal, along with the Dashain festival, so hold on to your topi (hat), loads of excitement and fun are coming at you now!
Kaag Pooja (1st day of Tihar) – Early in the morning of the first day of Tihar, the family prepares a good meal. Each member of the family takes the first portion of the meal outside on a platter. The crows come down in large numbers and partake on the feast; they will call others before beginning to eat: Share, Share what you have with all! Crows (Kaag) are considered the messenger of the Lord of Death, Yama. On this day crows are worshiped and are kept happy. Where there are no crows, any winged animal can enjoy the feast. So Tihar is also about appreciating animals around us.
Kukur Pooja (2nd day of Tihar) – On the second day of Tihar, Kukur (Dogs) are adorned with flower garlands around their necks, red tika on their forehead, and are offered great meals, they are the king of the day! On this day, people pray to the Kukur to guard their homes. In Hinduism it is believed that Kukur guards the underworld empire just like it guards our everyday homes!
Laxmi Pooja (3rd day of Tihar) – One of the most important day of the festival is Laxmi Pooja on which day the Goddess of wealth (Laxmi) is worshiped in every household in the entire Nepal by means of Pooja, decoration, candle lights, and oil lamps. In this day of the Tihar Festival, the entire nation is illuminated with lights. Pictures and icons of Laxmi Devi (Goddess) are placed and worshiped in a Pooja room (or a place in a living room or a dedicated room for worshiping). Pooja is performed using flowers, incense, oil lamps, color-powders, bell and money (both notes and coins). Laxmi pooja is performed at dusk using red mud, and Pooja is often done by a female in the family. She uses her hand covered with red mud to make a symbolic foot-print on the floor entering the home and makes a trail leading to the Pooja room.
Laxmi Pooja is not only for households but is equally done at businesses. It is done the same way as in the homes and some staff is invited to participate in the Pooja procession.
The Laxmi Pooja and Gai Pooja usually falls on the same day, but this time, the Gai Pooja falls on the 4th day.
Gai Pooja (4th day of Tihar) – The Gai (Cow) Pooja is about worshiping the mother of the universe – the cow. According to Hinduism, the human infant is fed breast milk by its mother for three years. After weaning, the cow acts as the surrogate mother providing milk for the rest of the human life – through childhood, adult age and old age. Cows are the mothers of the universe, the sacred animal. The Gai Pooja is performed by giving a tika to a cow on her forehead, and a flower garland (leis) on the neck, and offering good meals. Those performing Gai Pooja place her manure in different parts of the home; drink a drop or two of the cow’s urine as a part of a purification process.
Bhailini Songs: The Laxmi Pooja Day is made spectacular not only by lights but also by echoes of a special song known as Bhailo or Bhailini. A group gets together and sings Bhailo door to door, giving blessings to the family in return for money or homemade treats.
Deusi Songs: People also sing what is called Deusi or Deusuray in Nepali. You can write just about any Deusi song as long as each line ends with the word `Deusi’ or `Deosuray’. Teenagers perform various Deusi songs to collect money. During the Tihar festival, most of the local Radio stations play Tihar, Bhailo, Deusi and folk songs about sisters or brothers unable to see each other during the festival due to various reasons.
A Sample of Deusi Song:
Bhana Mera Bhaiho Deusuray (Say it my brothers, Say it. Deusuray)
Sormelai Kana Deusuray (Say it louder and say it in tune. Deusuray)
Rato Batoo Deusuray (Red mud trail. Deusuray)
Chiploa Batoo Desuray (Slippery trail. Deusuray)
Laddai Paddai Deusuray (Slipping and Sliding. Deusuray)
Akeya Hami Deusuray (Finally we made it to your home! Deusuray)
…. …. Deusuray
…. …. Deusuray
…. …. Deusuray
Yo Garma Laxmi Deusuray (In this home Goddess Laxmi. Deusuray)
Sadthai Aun Deusuray (Always come. Deusuray)
Hamilai Denus Deusuray (Give us what you have: money or meal)
Bidtha Garnus Deusuray (Please bid us good bye)
Gobardhan Pooja (5th day of Tihar) – The fifth day of the Tihar is about Gobardhan Pooja or Goru Tihar (Oxen Worshiping). Oxen are worshiped on this day as they till the land and help grow crops to sustain life. The day of the Tihar is also about worshiping yourself in the Newar community. This Pooja (worshiping) is known as ‘Maha Pooja’. This is also the first day of the annual calendar of the Newars.
Bhai Tika (6th or final Day of Tihar) – On the final day also known as Bhai Tika Day, sisters give tika (a colored powder placed on one’s forehead), and mala (a necklace of flowers) to brothers along with wishes for long life and prosperity.
To sisters, Tihar is also the time to re-call their continued wish for a long and a happy life for their brothers. Brothers sit on a floor while sisters perform their pooja. Pooja involves following a traditional ritual in which sisters circle brothers three times dripping oil on the floor from a copper pitcher. Afterwards, sisters put oil in brother’s ears and hairs, and then give Tika. Also breaking of walnuts by sisters prior to giving Tika to brothers is also a common practice. Tika starts with placing a banana leave already cut into a line shape placed on brothers forehead held by one of the sisters hand, then applying tika base (made from rice paste) in the open space. Then sister dabs seven colors on top of the base using her fingers. Some may give tika with the help of a small stick or a brush. In this case, small stick is dipped into the tika base, and then brushed vertically on the forehead, then using a different stick; the seven colors are applied on top of the base. After tika, flower garland is put around brother’s neck. Then brothers give tika to sisters in the same fashion. Sisters also receive flower garland around their neck. Brothers give gifts such as clothes, money and ornaments to sisters while sisters give a special gift known as Sagun (which is made of dried fruits and nuts, and candies), and a fantastic Tihar feast takes place. Those without a sister or brother, join relatives or friends for tika. Sisters pray for their brother’s long life to the Hindu God of Death (Yam Raj).
Description of the Tihar Tika – The tika is of seven colors: Yellow, Orange, Blue, White, Green, Red and Black. A tika of seven colors is called Sapta Rangi Tika in Nepali, where Sapta means seven, Rangi means colors. The order of the colors in the tika pattern or even the choice of colors will vary due to family traditions. Usually some colors are purchased while others are made at home. The three colors that are usually made at home are, green, white and black. Green is the crushed blades of grass, white is rice paste (raw rice crushed into powder and mixed with water), and black is charcoal powder or also soot from oil lamps. Traditionally, to create a perfect Tika pattern and to make it easier to put the tika, leaves of banana were used, and this tradition is still followed in many households. You take a portion of banana leave, tear a small portion from the center, hold it against the forehead, use the rice paste as a base then dab colors in desired pattern, then remove the banana leave. Tika symbolizes the bond between brothers and sisters.
Tihar and Flower Garlands – Flower garlands, called ‘Mala’ in Nepali, are also put around brothers and sister’s necks. During Tihar, open markets are literally gardens packed with sensational flowers and aroma. Tihar is a time to see Nepali homes and Nepali streets with flower garlands all around!
Tihar and Lights and Candles – Tihar is a time of candle lights, oil lamps, tinsel decoration and festive colored sweets, hence the name `Festival of Lights’. Tihar is probably the best festival of all due to its short holiday period yet packed with much excitement unlike other Nepali festivals!
Tihar and Rani Pokharai (Pond) – Rani Pokhara is located at the center of Kathmandu. This famous pond has a small holy temple located at the center. The compound’s door is locked all year around except on the day of Bhai Tika. Those who do not have sisters or brothers enter the temple to receive tika from priests.
Tihar and Cooking – Sisters prepare unique Nepali meals at home for brothers. This includes making of the famous Nepali bread known as Nepali Roti or Sel Roti. It’s made by deep frying, a mixture of fine rice flour, sugar, and water. The mixture is placed in the frying oil in circles by hand or by the help of a funnel. Nepali Sel Roti is popular for its crispy and crunchy taste.
Tihar and Shopping (Tihar and Sagun) -: Shopping of cooking items such as oil, butter, clothes for brothers and sisters, and sweets goes up during the period. In cities, sisters do shopping for dried fruit products such as cashew, almonds and fresh fruits in large amounts while in villages, sisters prepare home-made sweets and breads. The mixture of dried fruits along with sweets and candies are packed usually in a plastic bag, which is known as `Sagun’, this single brand is the most popular shopping item of the season, and you can see it everywhere in open markets! Sisters give Sagun to brothers on the Tika Day, and in return, brothers give sisters gifts such as new clothes and/or money and/or ornaments.
Tihar vs Diwali – Nepali Tihar and Indian Diwali festival are similar in many ways. Worshiping of Goddess Laxmi and celebrating the festival with candle lights, oil lamps and fireworks are common to both the festivals. Both the festivals are called as Festival of Lights.
(Sishir Rai is a professional musician and also works as a part time faculty teaching computers and can be reached at [email protected]).
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