Three members of ‘high level’ UN team arrives in Kathmandu

July 26, 2006

Three members of the ‘high-level’ team of the United Nations (UN) arrived in Kathmandu on Wednesday to assess what needs to be done to accelerate the peace process.

A press statement issued by the UN information centre in Kathmandu said the head of the UN team, Staffan de Mistura, will arrive in Kathmandu Thursday afternoon (3:25 p.m.).

Three technical experts of the team, Kendra Kollins, Jared Jotler and Orisi Rabukawaqua arrived in Kathmandu today.

The Mistura-led UN team is visiting Nepal in response to a letter sent to UN Secretary General Annan by Prime Minister Girija Prasad Koirala, requesting the world body to assist in the ongoing peace process of the country.

During its stay in Nepal between July 26 and August 3, the team will hold consultations with all sides in Nepal.

According to the UN, “Through consultations with all concerned, the mission will seek a common understanding of the nature and scope of responsibilities the United Nations could undertake in the peace process.”

The team arrived in Nepal despite the letter sent by Maoist supreme Prachanda to the UN Secretary General Kofi Annan registering strong protest against the letter sent by the Government of Nepal seeking assistance of the world body in the Nepal peace process.