Thapa-Girija nexus consolidate strength

November 19, 2003

Kathmandu: As much as the current cabinet finds politics in projecting a picture of longevity for the sake of credibility, the general assumption is that Prime Minister Surya Bahadur Thapa is merely postponing his departure from government. After having unsuccessfully attempted to bring the Palace into controversy over the key constitutional appointments, they remain vacant—Thapa’s dangled offer of an expansion of the cabinet remains equally in limbo. Indeed, the supposed enlarged cabinet is not likely to emerge now that the Prime Minister’s detractors in his own party appears to be aware of the meanings of such offer. There is likelihood that the party may distance itself from the Prime Minister.

Adding to the conclusive elements predicting change is the fact that one key supporter of the Prime Minister’s express determination to conduct the elections, is Mr. Girija Prasad Koirala. He has doubted the possibility of elections but has said that he will participate in case it is held. Given the longstanding Thapa-Girija relations, this is said to have been read as enough indication that the two are acting in cohort. Thapa from government and his coterie, it is felt, will share the electoral table with the congress-Girija and Thapa will use the King’s authority to his own and Koirala’s benefit.

Such ominous readings inevitably have sent flutters in the UML camp. Privately, the UML leaders are saying that it is time that the King “master” a more independent and participatory cabinet. This despite their public rumblings on a new phase of an opposition program of the five parties led by “Commander” Girija.

Significantly, while there are plenty of indications that the UML is willing and could dodge their original demand for a Madhav Nepal led ministry to bless the King’s actions of October 4, last year, it is said that Girija Prasad Koirala and his camp is not likely to dump the agitation he leads for sake of participation. In this sense any government change now without Koirala’s participation and in the absence of a Thapa in government makes it predictable that the “liberal” mantle will likely be cashed in upon for elections by these two strage allies.