Ten demonstrators were injured when the security forces opened fire on a victory rally held at Gamgadhi, the district headquarters of remote hilly district, Mugu on Tuesday.
The police started the firing after the participants of the victory rally encircled the helipad situated at Mahakali Higher Secondary School to prevent government nominated chairman of the DDC, Dilli Prasad Bhatta, member Dhanmal Karki, chairman of Mahendra Nature Conservation Trust Bali Raj Malla and some others from flying out of Mugu.
Thousands of people staged victory rallies across the nation on Tuesday.
Thousands, including leaders and activists of the seven-party alliance, businessmen and intellectuals, took part in a rally staged in Charikot. The rally converged into a meeting at Satdobato after passing through the main thoroughfares of Charikot.
A report from Lamjung said thousands of people staged victory rallies there. After passing through the major thoroughfares of Besisahar, the district headquarters of Lamjung, the rally converged into a corner meeting at Bhimsen Chowk. Speakers of the programmed stressed on the need to bring the Maoists into the political mainstream.
Some agitators vandalised the house of Lamjung chapter president of the Federation of National Journalists Nawa Raj Pahadi.
Sporting flags and banners, thousands of people staged a victory rally in Birgunj. Addressing a meeting, district leaders warned the central leadership of the seven parties not to settle for anything less than a constituent assembly.
About 50,000 people staged a rally, which converged into a meeting at the Mahendra Multiple Campus in Baglung.
Activists of the seven parties staged victory rallies in Malangawa, Hariwan, Lalbandi and Ishworpur in Sarlahi. District leaders urged central leaders to meet the Maoists’ demands.
Thousands of people staged rallies in different districts of the far-western region, a report from Dhangadhi said.
Thousands of people from different walks of life took part in a rally at Gaur, Pokhara, Tanahu, Jaleshwor, Gaushala, Bardibas, Matihani and Mahottari. In Dhankuta too, thousands took part in victory rallies.
A report from Parbat said, Govindanath Sharma, who was undergoing treatment after being injured in indiscriminate police firing in Parbat on Saturday, died of injuries on Tuesday.
According to doctors, one of his lungs was punctured by a bullet. Thousands of people participated in the funeral procession of Sharma.
Issuing separate press statements, political parties in the district declared Sharma a “martyr”. nepalnews.com pb Apr 26 06