Kathmandu, Jan. 1 : Leaders of different political parties have pointed out the need to stop the increasing trend in Nepal of forcing the general public to support Bandh programmes by inciting fear and terrorizing them.
“Talks but not Bandhs is what is essential today and only talks can guide democracy towards the road to success”, said the leaders.
They also accused the Bandh programme organised by the nine communist groups of bringing more trouble to the general public which had only just recovered from recent tensions triggered without any specific reason, and also of assaulting the economy and public life.
CPN-UML’s K.P. Sharma Oli accused the nine communist groups of organising the Bandh programme after failing to provide any creative programmes for fulfilling their demand, and of neglecting the people, the country and democracy.
Nepali Congress leader Sujata Koirala expressed concern over the affect of the Bandh on the image of the country at the international level.
General Secretary of Nepal Sadvawana Party Hridayesh Tripathi expressed disagreement with the Bandh programme but also accused the government of neglecting the people.
National Planning Commission member Dr Shanker Sharma said Bandh programmes, vandalism and arson will discourage investors and will also have a negative affect on Nepal’s internatinal credibility.
NC spokesman Narhari Acharya said in a democracy everyone has the right to disagree and protest but nobody has the right to protest by terrorising the public.
He also said that the leaders of political parties in Nepal will have to find an alternative to the vandalism and Bandh programmes as a means of protest.